
Supporting the vulnerable in our community

Hillier Hopkins LLP

Chartered Accountants & Tax Advisers

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We are dedicated to helping as many charities as we can by organising regular fundraising events! We sponsor a chosen charity yearly so be sure to get in contact with our marketing team on too tell us a bit about your charity!

What we have done so far

We have organised a series of charity events over the years. Each year Hillier Hopkins supports a local charity by organising fundraising activities and events. In the past we have supported Watford Workshop, Herts Young Homeless, Waverley Driving Group, a local group of the Riding for the disabled Association (RDA), Ali’s Dream and The Oli Mills Foundation and raised a total of £72,250 for these very important charities.

Since 2020 we chose to support The Pepper Foundation, a charity which aims to alleviate the suffering of children diagnosed with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses. We were due to hold a charity luncheon in The View at Watford Football club on Friday 15th May 2020, however due to the unforeseen situation of the pandemic we had to make the decision to cancel the event. This will be our last year supporting them and we would really appreciate it if you could take the time out to see what it is they do and how you can help or alternatively donate here.

Ruth Proudfoot, speaking on behalf of The Pepper Foundation said:
“Our specialist nurses provide paediatric care for children living with serious illnesses in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire. Care is provided free of charge in patients’ own homes and the nurses are unique to the area in that they are available 24 hours a day, all year round. Our aim is to ensure that children with complex health needs can enjoy the best quality of life possible, however short that life may be. The help we receive from organisations such as Hillier Hopkins makes a huge difference to our ability to fund much-needed care, respite, stability and most importantly hope, for families at a time when they need it most.”

Alex Bottom, Managing Principal at Hillier Hopkins:
“We are delighted to support The Pepper Foundation and have loved working with them. We have already raised much needed funds but we don’t want to stop there. As anyone with a family can imagine, having a seriously ill child must be horrendous, so being able to have hospice care at home helps to reduce the strain on the whole family at this awful time.”

Dress down days and active fundraising events also happen throughout the year for the various charities that we support including Macmillan Coffee Morning, Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day, Jeans for Genes, Comic Relief, Children in Need, The Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund and more.