Beth Allan

Beth Allan

Assistant Accounts Manager
Beth helps small business owners with their company accounts and tax, as well as day-to-day queries to build relationships with her clients.

As an Assistant Accounts Manager, Beth looks after small OMBs across a wide range of industries, from construction to recruitment companies.

Beth joined Hillier Hopkins’s graduate scheme in 2020, after graduating from University with a First-Class Honours Financial Mathematics degree. She gained several years of audit experience with a range of clients from Academies to Golf Clubs. After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 2021, she moved across to the Accounts team and now helps to manage a diverse portfolio of OMBs. She helps small business owners with their company accounts and tax, as well as day-to-day queries to build relationships with her clients.

Beth is also the newest member of the business valuation team at Hillier Hopkins. With her academic background in Financial Mathematics, this has enabled Beth to support the valuation team with data analytics and trend analysis.

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