Am I getting the right returns on my investment?

Hillier Hopkins LLP

Chartered Accountants & Tax Advisers

Call +44 (0)330 024 3200 and discover how we can help you.

Investment and financial planning advise is provided by Satis Wealth Management, one of the Hillier Hopkins family.

SATIS Wealth Management do not take an aggressive investment selection stance, i.e. lots of buying and selling, which creates the illusion of activity but incurs considerable costs and adds little benefit to you in the long term, even though it does give the appearance of activity to clients. Instead they offer academically tested robust and patient strategies. One of SATIS’s specialisms is advising American citizens that are resident in London; SATIS advises many non UK domiciled clients around the world.

If you answer anything other than a confident “yes” to the following three questions, why not click through to the SATIS website to find out how they could help you.

  • Do I feel confident about by family’s investments and financial planning?
  • Do my existing arrangements reflect my views on philanthropy and social impact investment?
  • Are my existing advisers chartered, certified and cynical?

SATIS Wealth Management offer a complimentary second opinion service to Hillier Hopkins clients and only take on clients where they are confident that they can make a big difference to the client’s outcomes.

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