How do I choose the right source of finance option for my business?

Within the last few years, the range of sources of finance has widened dramatically. The Internet has allowed access to potential investments to a much wider and less tightly regulated set of investors than in the past. There are currently many question marks over the validity and legality of some investment models, and it is worth mentioning that you should be cautious in using one of the less tried and trusted roots for finance.

Nevertheless, there is a place for new sources of finance. With interest rates at an all time low, investors are keen to find new routes to earn a better return on their investments, and government incentives such as EIS and SEIS have rendered investment into smaller businesses very attractive indeed.

The right investment for you will depend entirely on the type of business that you have, your own ambitions and intentions, the reasons for raising the finance, and the sources of finance currently in use. You will ask questions of yourself such as, “should I be offering shares or loans?” If you are offering equity, what is the value of your company, which would determine how much equity to give away?

We cannot give you the answer to this on our website, but we can by discussing it with you. We can help you work out what is the best way to fund your business, providing you with a safe and attractive capital structure.

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