Top tips for entering the MK Business Achievement Awards

Hillier Hopkins LLP

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We are delighted to be sponsoring the overall Business of the Year Award at the Milton Keynes Business Achievement Awards 2020.

Over the years, we have sponsored many business awards. We have seen first hand, the positive impact that awards can have on the businesses that enter and would encourage any business to go for it. As sponsors,we will also be on the judging panel for our category. So we thought it would be helpful to share our tips for putting together a winning entry.

Choose the right category

There are 14 categories to choose from and you can enter more than one of them. Think about which ones fit your business and you feel most passionate about – entering these will be easier. Getting recognition for these categories offers endorsement and validation to your existing and potential customers.

Put your best foot forward

Make sure your achievements are right at the beginning of your entry. You want the judges to be in no doubt why you deserve the award. Make sure they know from the outset exactly how much your business has grown, or reduced its environmental impact, or benefitted the community. Don’t just tell them – show them the evidence.

Involve your team

They will have valuable input, plus the process can be an incredible morale boost. Having the team focus on how they have worked together to solve problems in order to achieve great things is such a motivating experience for everyone.

Tell your story from the heart

Share your journey to success through all of the hurdles you’ve overcome, the lessons you’ve learned and the hard work you’ve put in. Build tension and suspense to keep the judges hooked. Don’t use business language and jargon, use emotion and your own words – it’s what the judges will respond to and remember.

Make every word count

Read and re-read your entry, correct all grammar and typos and remove any unnecessary words. Get someone who doesn’t know your business that well to read it. If they get it – so will the judges!

Thank your customers and suppliers

If you are shortlisted in your category, email your customers and suppliers and thank them for making it all possible. It’s a great bit of PR whether you win or not – being shortlisted is a fantastic endorsement in itself.


Invite your team or clients to the awards night and if you win, celebrate your success with them.

Milk it

Tell everyone that you were shortlisted or have won.  Put it on your website, social media, proposals, marketing material, letterhead and email footers. Send out a press release and photo to local and industry press. Display your trophy and certificates for your staff and customers to see.

Invest in your entry

The awards are free to enter, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a cost. It goes without saying that putting together a winning entry takes time. However, with all the potential benefits, such as a boost in staff morale, stronger client loyalty or a competitive edge when hiring staff; there could be an excellent return on your investment.

The entry process itself can help you to refocus. We bet it’s not often that you take time out to look at what you’ve achieved and where your business is heading. What’s more, if you do involve your team, it brings everyone together and reinforces what’s really important to the business and your goals.

Start today

Start putting your entry together today – the longer you leave it the less likely you are to start it at all! Think about the categories, talk to your team and start gathering together rough notes and evidence.


​Entry for the awards is now open. To find out more:

Good luck!