Frequently Asked Questions

Hillier Hopkins LLP

Chartered Accountants & Tax Advisers

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Showing FAQ's related to: internationally mobile individuals

The new rules now state that gains on all UK land and property, both residential and non-residential, and direct as well as indirect disposals, will be liable for CGT from non-residents.Read more

You no longer need to notify HMRC of your arrival unless you are an employee, in which case your employer will do so.Read more

The UK has introduced a series of tests to determine whether you are resident here for tax purposes. These are based on the number of days you spend in the UK and your relationship with the country.Read more

As of the 6th of April 2019, HMRC has extended their Non-Resident Capital Gains Tax (NRCGT) regime to include both direct as well as indirect sales of all UK property and land.Read more